How does cloud hosting compare with shared web hosting?
Even though cloud hosting and shared web hosting are fundamentally the same, the way that these services organise data differs to some extent. Shared web hosting has servers host multiple websites – where websites are also maintained. However, this may affect website speed and performance. Cloud hosting uses multiple servers – allowing websites to perform better. Cloud hosting is also more secure and less vulnerable to hackers than is the case with shared web hosting.
How does web hosting relate to domain names?
Domain names make it possible for customers to locate a business website. Web hosting services allow businesses to build a website. These domain names are stored by the web hosting provider. All website files are also stored here.
How does a business choose between cloud hosting and web hosting?
The service that will work better will depend on the needs of the business. The least expensive hosting option may still be profitable for a smaller business that only needs to cater to a certain amount of traffic. The more expensive cloud hosting option will be suitable for companies that need to deal with a vast number of online traffic.
Can a business move its site from one host to another?
The domain name of a business can easily be moved to another hosting service. The hosting provider will just request the transfer of files and data. This is followed by adjusting the domain name settings according to the parameters set out for the business by the new hosting service.
The pros and cons of cloud hosting
Cloud hosting can simply handle a lot more data and internet traffic. This makes cloud hosting more expensive. The servers and systems require more maintenance and attention to ensure that large amounts of data can be processed.